When NPR radio host Ira Glass tweeted last year that Shakespeare “sucks,” my first response was that I wanted to strangle him. After taking a few deep breaths, my second response was that I wanted to invite him to a season of plays at The Los Angeles Drama Club. The work that Blaire, Julia and their amazing young thespians do with each and every play reminds us how vital Shakespeare’s words remain today. The joy, the drama and heartbreak… you can feel it all in an L.A. Drama Club performance. This isn’t children’s theatre. This is simply GREAT theatre. So if Ira Glass makes his way to the west coast, I would personally escort him to the next L.A. Drama Club show. I have the distinct feeling we could change his mind about The Bard.
Steven Wolfson, dad to Vivian
Our daughter, Hazel, was very leery about learning Shakespeare. The language scared her and she wasn’t sure she would understand the words coming out of her mouth. Well, not only do the teachers at LA Drama Club break down the scenes and the words, they dissect the story itself and help the children to understand the meaning behind the words — the way Shakespeare truly intended for his actors as he presented the human condition on stage. Bravo, LA Drama Club! My daughter is now completely hooked. It has changed her view of Shakespeare, of theatre, and of human beings in general.
Sondi & Peter Sepunek, mom to Hazel
LADC has given my boys a love of Shakespeare that I know will last a lifetime. It has also been extremely helpful in encouraging my sometimes shy boys to come out of their shells. They speak with confidence now in all areas of their lives. I’m so grateful for everyone at LADC for all of their hard work and passion for introducing Shakespeare to our children.
Jennifer Courtney, mom to McCabe, Atticus and Raif