Ancient Chivalric codes of conduct shaped modern manners and the global treatment of humanity. The practice of chivalric principles are based in service, integrity and courage.
L.A. Drama Club’s mission is to keep these practices alive by involving our youth in an immersion course in Modern Knighthood. They’ll light up their minds and souls, through storytelling, exploring their ancestry, creating a Family Crest, and participating in a service activity to better our community. They’ll enliven their brains and bodies, as our Knights-in-Training get away from
electronics and onto our hillsides for nature-themed hikes, and archery. They’ll learn fencing for the stage, and begin and end the day with deep yoga practice.
The School of Knighthood is an ongoing movement of youth in service. Once in, you are knighted for life.
Monday through Friday – 9 am to 3 pm
Week One – June 22 – 26
Grade 2 through Grade 6 (Fall 2015)
Tuition: $400
Scholarships are available – click here for the application form and guidelines.
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