The time? Somewhere around 1850, but who knows? Time runs differently, here in the Appalachian Hollows. A long-simmering feud between John and his sister-in-law Constance is about to come to yet another head … think Hatfields and McCoys … and a newly discovered illegitimate nephew doesn’t settle things down one bit. Philip and his son Lewis from over by France, Kentucky are lending a hand, but whose side are they really on? Things get really interesting when that city slicker Pandulph shows up and stirs the pot!

This Season’s RARE GEM presents you the highly poetic and poignant KING JOHN, circa Appalachia 1850.  Don’t miss what might be your only chance to see this rarely performed play!

April 28th & 29th
May 5th & 6th
Saturdays and Sundays at 1:00 pm
at The Lost Studio – 130 S. La Brea